Monday, November 18, 2019

Ways To Minimize Stress In Your Life by Marshall Byers

Spend the entire duration of a sunset trying your best to describe all the colors in the sky. Write thank you letters to everyone you know...and I challenge you to write to that one person you've been avoiding. Break that long silence and tell them you love them with all your heart. By the way, no emails! They are very impersonal, hand written only.

You don't have to, but I make up a jingle about all my stressors. What ends up happening is a lot of laughter. And I get to be creative. Next, I write on paper a gratitude list of people, places and things. Re framing your thoughts about the stress is wonderful too. But just simply doing some deep belly breathing is least for me.

Yeah, the silly thing about simply breathing deep, and how much it works, has me thinking of all the times I heard others say it and never taking their advice. Mostly giving them the stink eye. I now apologize with a thankful heart, it does work.

With Love,
Marshall Byers

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