Saturday, August 10, 2019

5 Year Planning - Defy Ventures Washington Inspires Hope...Again! by Ruth Utnage

Since I graduated Defy Ventures Washington in May of this year I have been attending an alumni class where us graduates can gather and continue our journey together. Our group facilitator brings in assignments and robust topics to challenge us with. The most recent, 5-year goal planning.

Now, I am all about goal planning. This is my jam. So I slammed a cup of instant coffee, turned up the radio and began planning my next 5 years. 6 hours and 12 handwritten pages later I had my rough draft. I nestled myself at my desk and went hard at it.

This course has continued to inspire me to go above my own motivations and do better. It has gotten me to sit down with people not involved in the program and help them get their future's straightened out. I am motivated to create a program where I sit down with people and help them write out their 5-year goal plan.

I will write everything for them, ask the questions and write while they just get to dream about their hopes and I will only interject when they ask for help thinking of pathways to their dreams.

Here is something to consider, what if I did this for you? What if I helped you write your 5-year goals and mailed it to you. We could do it by phone or through email. I have a great template that just requires you to answer some questions. By phone would be best, but we could make email work. 

Think about it. Wouldn't it be nice to have that done? This helps me as well, I get to actively participate in citizenry. I get to be human.

Human Me

With Love
Ruth Utnage

Write or Email
(the name Jeff is still registered in DOC, though I went through a legal name change to Ruth Anne Utnage this year, but to contact me through DOC you still have to address the envelope to!)

Jeff Utnage (aka Ruth Utnage) 823469
PO Box 888
Monroe, WA 98272

email through
Name: Jeff Utnage
Inmate #: 823469

visit us on Facebook at

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