Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Thanks/Praise to God

part 2:

Why is it that when you tell someone the truth, they think you lying & are quick to reject it?


But when you tell the same person a lie, they take your word for it & is quick to accept it...


All I've ever known is dishonesty & how to lie, I've studied the art of deception & I've tried to perfect it.


Ultimately the truth is only known by a few & far between souls who have a sacred job to administer it & protect it.


It's not hidden at all, it's in plain sight, yet it's just looked over,
ignored, & remains neglected.


The evil seek to corrupt the truth & molest it.


Brainwashing us to believe it's an utter act of apostasy & blasphemy to go against their grain.


In attempts to get the few who dare to stray to refrain.


The evil convince everyone else the traitors are unpatriotic & must be insane.


The evil are masters at twisting up the truth for their own personal gain.


Motives & agendas be plain as Jane,


Yet seemingly hidden by sophisticated planning & propaganda only to those who choose to believe the game of charades.


Unfortunately it is consequences when you attempt to rain in on the parade.


You could be exiled & banished,


If that don't work, it could be arranged for a person to completely vanish.


Never to be heard from again, that sends a strong message to any future inciters.


Because "We The People" are supposed to be a nation of acquiesced, docile servants & not fighters.


In complete submission to "Authorities" while poluliticians get on podiums to the claps & cheers of thousands, and fill the airwaves tellin lies.


While to millions more sitting at home the lies is televised.


You're asked to open up your check book to make a campaign donation, I call it: "sellin us lies"


Even if he/she don't get elected, they still conned us into paying their bills & made us question the legitimacy of their claims.


If nothing else, while the politicians reveled in their exposure & fame,


Few "believers" & followers ardently & wholeheartedly fell for the game.


The power of persuasion mixed with a dose of charisma, can convince a bird to sell his wings & make him believe he'll still be able to fly!!!


Then when he leaves his nest & takes a head first dive, you sell him his wings back & convince him only because of his sacrifice & loyalty to the "cause" he didn't die!!!


Thanks for your time!!!

Jonathan Gordon 793350
Stafford Creek Corrections Center 
Aberdeen,WA 98520

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